DOWNLOAD ROMS ⭐️ PROFESSOR LAYTON VS PHOENIX WRIGHT 3DS UNCRYPTED USA EUROPE MULTI3 CIA FREE 1 LINK, UPDATES AND DLCS, APK, EMULATOR ⏬ ANDROID CITRA, APPLE, MAC OS X. The game features a combination of elements from both games, both from ” Professor Layton” as from “Ace Attorney”. Like in the Professor Layton games, the player is faced with various puzzles, while trying to solve the mystery of Labyrinthia. As in the Ace Attorney games, players have to find proofs and evidences and use their wits to find contradictions in witness statements and prove their client’s innocence. This time however, Phoenix has to question several witnesses at once, forcing him to find contradictions in their statements.
- Title: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
- Language: English, Español, Fr, De, It……
- Size: 1.2 Gb
- Region: Free
- Format: Cia – 3ds
- Unzip the compressed files.
- Copy them into the memory of your 3ds console
- Enter FBI from the 3ds console
- Install the game first, then the updates, finally the dlc.
- Once all the facilities are ready, play the game and enjoy the game.
Base Game .Cia(For Console 3ds): English, Español, Fr, De, It……
Base Game .3ds(Decrypted for Emulator Citra): English, Español, Fr, De, It……
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