Download roms Pokemon Mundo Mega Mysterious 3ds Usa Europe Multilanguage Cia Free 1 link, updates and dlcs, apk, android emulator citra, apple, mac os x. RPG adventure starring up to 20 different pokémon including Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Torchic and Froakie. With them, we will have to explore lots of dungeons, make friends with other pokémon and kill rivals following the playable schemes typical of the Mystery Dungeon series. Like its predecessor, Pokémon Mystery World: Gates to Infinity is a roguelike-style dungeon-exploration RPG video game with 3D characters and environments. Players take on the role of one of 20 Pokémon (which includes all 18 starter Pokémon from the six main generations, along with Pikachu and Riolu), and must choose a partner from among the same 20 Pokémon, who will accompany them on their journey. Journey through continuously randomly generated dungeons inhabited by enemies and traps, while also trying to stop a major crisis and save the Pokémon world.2 The video game features all 720 Pokémon released at launch.
- Title: Pokemon Mundo Mega Misterioso
- Language: English, Español, Fr, De, It……
- Size: 1.2 Gb
- Region: Free
- Format: 3ds – Cia
- Unzip the compressed files.
- Copy them to the memory of your 3ds console
- Enter the FBI from the 3ds console
- Install the game first, then the updates, at the end the dlc.
- Once all the facilities are ready, play and enjoy the game.
Base Game .3ds(For Emulator Citra): English, Español, Fr, De, It……
Base Game .Cia(For Console): English, Español, Fr, De, It……