Download Roms LEGO: Jurassic World 3ds Decrypted Usa Europe Multilanguage Cia Free 1 link, updates and dlcs, apk, citra android emulator, apple, mac os x. The Lego Jurassic World game is similar to the previous Lego Video Games. The game consists of the player solving puzzles. The game features 20 levels, with five levels based on each movie. Levels are accessed through an overworld free roam area. The game incorporates a cooperative mode for two players. The game features over 100 unlockable characters to play as, including over 20 species of dinosaurs, such as Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus.
- Title: LEGO: Jurassic World
- Language: Spanish(Voice Spanish), Multilanguage.
- Size: 500 Mb
- Region: Free
- Format: Cia – 3DS
- Unzip the compressed files.
- Copy them to the memory of your 3ds console
- Enter the FBI from the 3ds console
- Install the game first, then the updates, at the end the dlc.
- Once all the facilities are ready, play and enjoy the game.
Base Game .Cia(For Console): English, Español, Fr, De, It……
Base Game .3ds(For Emulator Citra): English, Español, Fr, De, It……