DOWNLOAD ROMS ⭐️ CAPTAIN TOAD TREASURE TRACKER 3DS DESCRIPTED USA EUROPE MULTI5 CIA FREE 1 LINK, UPDATES AND DLCS, APK, EMULATOR ⏬ ANDROID CITRA, APPLE, MAC OS X. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is based on the adventures of the boss of the Toad Gang , first seen in Super Mario Galaxy, debuting as a playable character in Super Mario 3D World. In the game, the player controls Captain Toad, who must safely navigate through various obstacles in order to reach a gold star at the end of each level. Captain Toad cannot jump, but he is able to pull out the roots, which reveal coins or turnips that can be thrown at enemies, just like in Super Mario Bros 2.
- Title: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
- Language: English, Español, Fr, De, It……
- Size: 241 Mb
- Region: Free
- Format: Cia -3ds
- Unzip the compressed files.
- Copy them into the memory of your 3ds console
- Enter FBI from the 3ds console
- Install the game first, then the updates, finally the dlc.
- Once all the facilities are ready, play the game and enjoy the game.
Base Game .Cia(For Console 3ds): English, Español, Fr, De, It……
Base Game .3ds(Decrypted for Emulator Citra): English, Español, Fr, De, It……
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